My website is finally taking shape! I dont really know what to put on the homepage yet but i've added a virtual stamp collection and im hoping to add a bit of information about each country underneath. I don't really know what this website is about yet but I do know that I feel that social media is not the place for me since it perpetues inequalities,sterotypes and is overall a very toxic place whixh sometimes feels like the ultimate echo chamber.It feels like the goal is to pump out people with no indiviuality whatsover. I hope to express myself and the topics i'm passionate about here. Also, there are many weird things going on right now and all my alarm bells are screaming at me to notice it. Everything in the world feels just about poised for change what with trump being elected but I think these things have been developing over time. We were just none the wiser.

Is this a part of the human condition? To exist in a state of perpetual longing. Humans are inherently greedy creatures; as we’ve proven time and time again. I dont think we’re necessarily born evil but we carry darkness within us. I truly, wholeheartedly believe if there was a way to access humans consciousness, a lot of the world’s problems could be solved. If we saw how others really think for one day would it be for the better or the worse? Then again, humanity’s darker side would grab hold and manipulate such innovations for profit👺 Everything is perfectly curated in a system that drip-feeds us just enough chaos; numbing us to it so we become compliant. It’s reliant on the fact that we’re not comfortable but rather accustomed to this disorder they have crafted to distract us. Greed has made us evil and stupid. This is exactly what they want. My mind is consumed thinking about what will happen. A recipe for disaster. People see these changes happening right before them yet they feel helpless in the face of it. I would like to explore this phenomenon further by exploring similar timelines in the past; it’s like they say- Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. I will research the mindsets of people during those times periods taking into account the recent technological advancements.
Curious and curioser. I often think that the negativity that fills my journals shapes the way I am but then again you could only class it as 'negative' depending on whose reading it. I don't want to seem pessimistic but the biggest dilemna for me will always be how could such beauty and pain coexist in a world like this and yet I experience both on a daily basis . I wholeheartedly believe I'm not a miserable person but rather someone who experiences a range of different emotions and sometimes, yes when i'm feeling misery and desolation it feels like I've been sad for the entirety of my life and maybe that isnt really normal but who even knows what is normal anymore. What on earth does it mean to be a normal person when we havent even experienced how other people, when we haven't even explored the depths of other humans let alone ourselves. This is why I'm always confused because I'm constantly asking myself what type of person am I? or Am I crazy or normal? Like there's a litmus to compare it to :/// I say I should just sit back and simply be but my whole existence does not allow me to. Will I be questioning myself for the remainder on my life?

Research Entry 2




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